Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why Haven't I Gotten What I Want Part 2

Another visual is an old-fashioned scale, with two pans. One side (pan "A") holds the item to be weighed--the item you want to buy for example. The other side (pan "B") holds the objective weights.

Now envision Lady Liberty blindfolded holding the scales, like the Scales of Justice but here they are the Scales of Attraction!

The contents in pan "A" are whatever you put in, whatever you desire. The objective weights represent the response in direct proportion to whatever you put in pan "A". Lady Liberty is the Universe. She is blindfolded because she doesn't see what you put in pan A; she doesn't judge what you put in pan "A", her job is only to respond.

So if you say you want a relationship but you fill pan "A" with thoughts of "I don't have a partner", "what is wrong with me", "why am I alone", "no one wants to date me", "I'm not good enough", etc, the Universe will fill pan "B" with experiences that match what you put in. Providing you with more opportunities to experience those feelings of loneliness.

Check in tomorrow to see how you can change what you are putting in pan "A".

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