Friday, September 5, 2008

Open to Abundance

I had to call a company today to reschedule an event. I'd put this call off for a few days. When I spoke to one of their representatives two weeks ago I was told if I rescheduled I would be charged a (to me) significant fee. At that time I decided I would wait and see if maybe I would be able to make the event, even though I knew that the timing was not right for me.

After some reading and guidance this morning, I realized that the timing indeed was not right for me. I wanted to be able to attend this event when it would be most beneficial to me, and I did not want to pay a fee in order for the program to better fit my schedule.

Today, I set the intention that the call would go well, that I would not have to pay a fee. I thought about what I might say if they brought up the fee, but then I said to myself, that won't be necessary.

Before placing the call I took some deep breaths and got centered. I brought forth the feeling in myself that I have abundance and that the Universe is a giving place and that "all is well."

I called and was able to reschedule, no problem, no fee.

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