Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is My Purpose in Life

I read this today and wanted to share it with you. It is from Dr. Doreen Virtue
Our purpose and responsibility is to locate a peaceful path and then live in peace...When we focus on living in peace we do more good for the world than a thousand peace marches, a million lectures, or a zillion self-help books.
Today I consciously chose the peaceful path in which I live.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Relax and Receive

Relaxation is a key component to being able to receive.

When we are tense then we do not allow the blessings that are coming our way to actually enter into our lives. Being tense indicates an element of doubt.

So if you feel you are not manifesting what you desire in your life, take a look at yourself and see if you are tense or relaxed about it.

Take a deep breath. Relax. See what you want to achieve. Believe it is possible.

Oh--and remember to keep breathing!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fate, Destiny or Free Will?

Do you believe in "Fate" or "Destiny" or do you believe we have Free Will?

It is tempting to blame events in our lives on Fate or Destiny or Karma...

While there is truth to the adage what goes around comes around...we are in control of our choices and how we choose to react to the events that surround us.

Exercise your free will and choose the path that is right for you. Know that sometimes the path is not fully visible, but it will be revealed every step of the way.

By choosing your path you actively create your life--you bring people, events and things towards you that will help you to achieve the life of YOUR dreams.

Through conscious choice, I attract the people and events that will assist me in living my best life. Thank you for these blessings.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

In What Direction Are You Moving?

The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.
--Oliver Wendell Holmes
Sometimes we tend to get caught up in where we are right this minute. But of course we know that where we are is merely a result of our past thoughts and actions.

We may like where we are. We may not like where we are. It doesn't really matter. It is still a result of our past thoughts and actions.

Let me remember to be aware of, and thankful for, the direction in which I am moving. That is what being in the "now" is about. I can only control NOW what I am thinking about NOW, not what I did 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years ago.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We Choose Our World

The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us and how we can see ourselves successfully acknowledged by that world.
--Arlene Raven
It all starts with loving ourselves and seeing the possibilities, so that we may receive the many blessings available to us. Or we can choose to not love ourselves, to not see the possibilities and therefore to not receive.

Every day, every minute we have the power to choose our world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rev. Michael Beckwith will be on Oprah

Jan. 7, 2009 Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith (you know him from The Secret) will be on the Oprah show as Best Life Week series...which starts today!

Be sure to tune in to this fantastic teacher!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Become Yourself

So many of us feel unfulfilled or like we are missing out on something...I find that typically when we feel that way it is because we are not being authentic to ourselves.

In fact we are missing out on something--US!
To find the good life you must become yourself.
~Dr. Bill Jackson
I am my own best friend and I am true to myself. I love myself as I am. I get better and better every day. I do something every day to support my life, my vision, my interests.

Thank you for these gifts.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Inner Voice

So many of the great teachers of today are reminding us that finding our passion, doing things that bring us joy is one of the best things we can do in this life--for ourselves and for the Universe.

Louise Hay teaches that we all deserve to feel good and that we have an inner wisdom that will guide us. Wayne Dyer tells us to be open to the inner voice. Doreen Virtue says to be open to the guidance of the angels. I could go on and on...Abraham teaches to reach for the better feeling thought, so he would definitely concur with this:
My dad always used to say, "If you take a step and it feels good, you must be headed in the right direction." What he wanted us to understand was that we needed to measure our progress against an inner compass, using our feelings, our comfort level, and our knowledge of ourselves as the ultimate guide.

I've spent most of my adult life trying to hear that inner voice above the noise around me...It says softly that happiness is as simple as having something to look forward to in the morning...It says, in a low murmur I sometimes have to strain to hear, that now is the time to have fun.
~Linda Weltner, No Place Like Home

Let me remember to listen to (and hear) that inner voice as it reminds me to follow my bliss. Now is the time to HAVE FUN, whatever that means for ME!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Start the Year with Love

Loving self is the key to all the world's problems. I am convinced that it is the single most important thing that we can do.

Not narcissitic or egotistical love, but a healthy respect and appreciation for oneself, for the unique qualities that make each of us special.

By recognizing and valuing our unique qualities we are less in need of approval from others and at the same time more able to recognize and value the uniqueness of others!

When we love ourselves we take care of ourselves. When we love others we want to cause them no harm. Between those two thoughts lies the answer to peace and prosperity.

That's a great way to start the year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

My wish for 2009 is Peace, Prosperity and Abundance for All!

We can make a difference. We do create our circumstances. Let us choose to create what we want in our lives!