Sunday, September 7, 2008

Being Open to Abundance

To me, abundance is not merely financial. It refers to an attitude that spills over to everything that we do. By being open to abundance, I am open to time, energy, joy, love, beauty, simplicity and whatever else I decide I want to experience in my life.

I had to file some documents for one of my businesses with the Secretary of State's office, and have been putting it off (and off and off!) I had this memory that while it was easy to submit the documents online, there were lots of attachments and supporting docs that I had to prepare.

I think I was practicing abundance as in "having lots to do" in regards to this.

This morning, I was reading in Ask and It Is Given, a process to help raise my vibration about this task, so that I was open to the abundance of the universe, rather than creating resistance with my dread. I chose the "Focus Wheel Process". Being very aware of what I did not want (a difficult, long, tedious, stressful process) I then proceeded to write what I did want. I wrote things like how simple it is to file online, how nice it is that the SOS sends reminders that these docs need to be filed, so I don't have to worry about missing deadlines, I don't have to do it all in one sitting...on and on I went around the wheel and by the end I was feeling really good about submitting my docs.

So, a few hours later, I'm at my computer ready to start the process and I review my wheel, and I start to read the SOS info. Instead of what I remembered to be the case, it was a very straight-forward form and I was easily done in less than 10 minutes!

I am so grateful that I was open to the teachings of Abraham, this morning in particular. I am so grateful that I chose to delay filing the forms from yesterday, because by doing so I was able to raise my vibration and be open to the ease of the process.

Did the filing procedure actually change from when I last looked? Or was I misremembering/misreading the information? Or was I over complicating things? I do not know, and I do not care! The simple fact is that it was easy and I have completed a task that was looming overhead. I now have that paperwork filed away and one less thing to do!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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