Friday, December 12, 2008

Fear is the Opposite of Love

There are 2 basic emotions: love and the lack of love. Some people will say that the opposite of love is hate. But where does hate really come from? Fear. When we are not coming from love, we are actually coming from fear.

Esther & Jerry Hicks refer to this in the Teachings of Abraham (Check out the book Ask and It Is Given...great!) So does scientist Gregg Braden. Many other fantastic teachers point this out.

When you want to manifest, or attract, something into your life (some thing or person or event or name it) it is crucial to be aware of the emotion behind the desire.

Coming from love will allow you to attract what you want. The same exact thoughts that are powered by fear will bring you the lack of what you want or some other negative aspect of what you want.

Abraham uses an example about money...if you desire to have more money, you can not attract it if your feelings are about the lack of money, or jealousy that someone else has money and you don't.

Whether it is money, or health or an ideal relationship, if we come from our place of "not having" or fear of not getting it, then we will not attract it into our lives. I wrote a post last month in response to a question about this topic...if you didn't read it then, check it out by clicking here.

My goal is to approach everything from a place of love. I am not perfect at it (yet!) but I am on the path. I am pleased that my awareness grows every day and I find myself being more clear and loving all the time.

I believe when we all come from this loving place there will be peace on earth. And isn't that a lovely (and loving) thought!

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