Monday, December 15, 2008

Affirmations are About Feeling Not Just Words

When we repeat our affirmations, it is good to remember that the Universe responds to our feelings, not really the words that we are saying. So if you are saying your affirmations regularly, and find that it is more of a rote habit, it may be time to change it up a bit!

Whether you say the same exact words or change the words, place the focus on the feeling. What is it that you are expecting? What is your desire? What are you looking to manifest in your life? Slow down, place your hands on your chest, take a deep breath and imagine that you have that in your life now. Feel in your heart how grateful you are for this wonderful state of health/abundance/whatever it is that is in your heart. Then, when you have that feeling--of gratitude, or having it now-- say your affirmations.

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