Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It is About Joy

Joy is going mainstream!

I think that everyone who has been doing any work in personal development knows how important it is to feel joy in their lives. It doesn't matter what we do for a living, it really matters how we do it. I don't mean how well we do it, necessarily, although we all want to be good at what we do. Really it is more important the attitude with which we do. In other words, it is the "being" over the "doing."

I mentioned a column by Michael Roizen, M.D. and Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. back on August 10. I kept that article because it had so many great points to it. They said that we can control our happiness (and isn't that good news to be happy about!) Another point they made was about getting together and treating yourself with friends and activities that feed your joy.

Even if you are not in the place where you want to be financially, it is important that you make "an investment in joy"--their words, not mine! They gave a couple examples, including going for a round of golf or spending time at the spa with a friend, and to not view that as a luxury. The friendship part is very important and the act of spending time doing something fun is also important.

True happiness is using your strengths to grow and meet your potential. And it's being grateful for what and who is around you.
--Dr. Roizen & Dr. Oz

One of the best exercises I ever learned was built on the second half of that definition. I write in a gratitude journal every night. I find it is a great way to reflect on my day and my life. I don't write a lot, but I note at least five things I am grateful for in my life.

I find it beneficial to write in complete sentences, I feel the emotion more that way. Feeling the gratitude is an important part of the process, rather than a rote exercise or another chore. I love the feeling I get as I think about the really great parts of my life and day. Sometimes I write about a bunch of really little things, like I saw a beautiful butterfly that brought a smile to my lips. Sometimes I will feel especially grateful for a physical task I was able to accomplish--being grateful for my strength and endurance. Other times I find myself grateful for the love I feel in my heart, or the love I feel coming to me from others. Some days I have been grateful that I have a comfortable bed and a roof over my head at night.

No matter what it is that I am grateful for, by writing it down at night I get to experience it for a second time that same day. And if I am feeling a bit down or like maybe I'm not in as good a place as I would like to be in my life, I can read in my gratitude journal and see the many, many things I have going for me in my life. Right now. As I am today.

Life is good!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Learning to Allow

I'm re-reading, Ask and It is Given. I'm in the middle of a big project right now and have found myself to not always have the best energy during the process. This book is helping me to refocus on the art of allowing. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it.

I actually have the CDs and the book and I like to listen to Jerry Hick's reading of the book while I read along. Then I frequently stop the audio and reread sections.

I have a tendency to drive through on projects...go, go, go, get 'er done. That can be efficient in a sense and I never had an employer complain. Now that I work for myself I find that there can be a disadvantage to it. Since my office is in my house, it is quite easy for me to want to work 24/7...and have the ability to do it.

That means the rest of my life could fall into major disarray. Of course that is not the way to live a balanced life. It isn't good for health for one. And it isn't good to let all the other projects and people in my life fall to the way side while I focus entirely on one aspect of my life. Not only is it not good for the rest of your life, it can lead to burnout and fatigue in the work arena too. So, while in the short term it may be a benefit at work in the long run it isn't.

The separation of work from home life when you physically go from one building to your home, can make for a healthy break. Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham help me to work through some of the challenges I am facing at the moment.

Today I came back from my morning walk and I just wasn't in a super positive energy. A few days ago I would have forced myself to go into the office and work, because it was time to. This morning I decided to read some more in the book, even though I had already had my morning reading session. I read some of the exercises in the book which are to help you bring your vibration / attraction level up. It really helped a lot and I was able to be a much more positive and I believe productive worker for the rest of the day.

There was an exercise, or "game", that I read the other day, called "The Rampage of Appreciation" which I really liked. For each of the exercises/processes/games there is a emotional scale level that the exercise is most suited for. When I read the "Rampage of Appreciation", I didn't really believe it...I thought I would be able to apply that exercise any time. Well, I found out this morning that I was wrong and Abraham was right (imagine that!) I tried to apply the game today and I just couldn't hold my vibration level up. That was what sent me back to my library to read some more, to see if I could find a different game that would work to bring my level up.

I found several that will work. Now my challenge will be to start actually practicing them so that I gain the skills to make it easier and easier.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Inspiration Part 2

The determination of the athletes who made it to the Olympics is incredible. Some of them persevered despite huge odds and obstacles. They knew what they wanted to achieve and they held the vision and they did it.

Their goal was not to medal. For these athletes, attending the Games and participating was what they set their sights on.

They may be the "big fish" back home. They may be from a land that is torn apart by war or politics or religion. They might not even have training facilities that every town in the USA has. And still they believed. They believed in the message of the Olympics--competition in sport can bring peace and understanding to the world.

So whether it is "Stany the Stingray" who finished last in the 50 meter freestyle--but was thrilled to attend and to compete--or the Iranian basketball team's presence for the first time since 1948, or athletes who literally dodge bullets to train, or the women who competed not wearing the latest technological breakthroughs but wearing traditional headscarves, these competitors were there for themselves and to represent their countries. Not for glory and certainly not for financial gain, their efforts rarely made television coverage, it is unlikely they'll get any commercial endorsements. Their countrymen may never know they were even there. But they were there. Fulfilling their vision. These are some true Olympians.

May I always remember both the determination they had to achieve their goal and the pleasure they took in the participating.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Inspirations

As a former swimmer, I love watching the Olympics, especially the swimming events.

As a student of The Law of Attraction and the power of thought, I was struck by the frequent references Michael Phelps made to having the vision of winning. He and his coach made the plan, took the actions necessary to achieve the plan and always had the belief that it was possible.

In fact, Coach Bob Bowman was the one who started the who process off by seeing (and believing) in Michael at age 11, a potentially great swimmer.

Dara Torres also provided inspiration for the power of our intentions. When asked what she would tell her daughter about this Olympic experience, she said "don't let your age define your goals." Wow.

How often do we listen to the "conventional wisdom" that says we can no longer do something because we have reached 'that' age (whatever 'that' age is")?

Both of these fantastic athletes have super strong belief in self and their abilities. They also take the steps needed to back up those beliefs. And the results flow to them.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mindset and Making Life Changes

I have used a lot of Mindset tools. They have helped to me completely change my life. In so many ways.

Without them, I am sure I would still be working for someone else instead of being self-employed. I wouldn't have taken the leap because it wasn't in the training I got growing up. I was taught that to be "safe" you had to work for a big company.

Without changing my mindset I would never have bought real estate other than my primary residence. It certainly was not the model I had at home.

With my old mindset, I would still be almost 300 pounds--or maybe I would be even more than that by now. I got there because I was trying to live the life I thought I "should" live...I was living for approval rather than for the joy of what I want in life.

I am not saying these things to complain about my upbringing or blame my parents or anything of the sort. My parents did a really good job--certainly the best they knew how to do. They weren't perfect, but then what human being is?

I'm just pointing out that what I call mindset tools have helped me change my life in multiple areas. Without making a change to ones mind, it is not possible to make permanent change in your life.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
--Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

Sometimes change requires physical effort. Mostly, I find it is emotional effort--which I think is even harder. I recently found that I was not practicing what I preached. I was "if not disgruntled, I was far from being gruntled" as an old friend used to say. Heck, I was disgruntled! And I think I was expecting someone else to pick me up out of it! Fortunately a friend pointed out to me the energy I was putting out to the universe. This led me to go back to some of the mindset tools I had successfully used in the past, but for whatever reason had let slide lately.

So yes, I have to physically read the books or listen to the audios or watch the DVDs or do the meditation and visualization. However, the biggest action I have to take is on my willingness and excitedness to take the action--my own attitude about it. If I chose to stay all "poop-y" the actions would not give me results because I wouldn't be open to them!

I have chosen to reopen my heart, mind and soul. I am back using the tools. I am seeing changes already. Guess some lessons are not learned with a single run through! I knew that, but it appears I needed a reminder!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Attraction and Action

The Law of Attraction does not absolve us from the responsibility of taking action. Affirmations and visualizations are great tools, but they may not be the only tools that you have to use.

Sometimes people misunderstand and think that the people on the Secret are saying that they only had to think about something and it came about. They only had to cut out a picture and put it on a vision board and voila, they had the house, the car, the life partner, whatever.

Especially in the beginning, this is far from the case. You will have to take some action. That is not a bad thing! And it doesn't mean that you should stop the affirmations, dream boards, etc.

On the contrary, they are all tools to get you where you are supposed to be going. The affirmations, visualizations, meditations my direct you on what action you are supposed to take. By following that action, perhaps you earn the money that you need to accomplish the goal you had (like buying that house.)

I believe that every event that happens in our life builds to create who we are today. No, I didn't have a perfect childhood, bad things can happen in people's lives. But ACTION by you can turn a bad situation around, or allow you to parlay the experience into something good for others, or get you into the position you need to be for all the "good stuff" to happen to you too.

So if you feel compelled to do something (as long as it is not harmful to yourself or others, and is legal) then perhaps this is the Universe telling you what action you need to take to fulfill your dreams. Trust the universe and let go...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen say You Can Control Happiness

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard of Dr. Mehmet Oz, a regular contributor to the Oprah show (for those of you who haven't heard of him, check out Oprah's webiste for more info.)

Our local paper, and probably yours too, has started carrying a weekly column by Dr. Oz and his business partner, Dr. Michael Roizen. In today's column they are discussing Happiness. The title, "Happiness can't wait, and you can control it" just about says it all!

Some of the notes in the column are common sense, including being sure to eat healthy foods and get exercise and enough sleep. And simply remembering that you don't know what is going on in someone else's brain is a big help. The example they use is the "jerk" who cuts you off in traffic...rather than letting it get to you, consider that there may be some extenuating circumstance that you don't know about that is causing them to appear to be a jerk--for example they are rushing to the hospital because the woman is in labor. The old "walk in someone else's shoes" mantra can help us to, if not remain calm, regain calm more quickly.

Be sure to check out the doctors' website in addition to the Oprah link above!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Secret Helps Me to Remember

I watched about half of The Secret again today. Every time I watch it, I see or hear something a bit different and learn something new. Or am reminded of something that I temporarily forgot. Today the Genie jumped out of the bottle at got me to thinking about how many wishes would I make, if I were Aladdin.

Watching the movie also helps me to remember some of the things I am doing "right".

I have been working on remembering that the Law of Attraction responds to our feelings more than our thoughts. So when visualizing and saying my affirmations, I try to get into that space of openness and joy and feel like I already have what I am affirming.

I have also been focusing on my gratitude journal. If you don't have one yet, I strongly encourage you to start. It is such a simple and easy practice. I find that if I start to feel like things aren't going my way it just takes a moment of looking at some of my past entries to remember how fortunate I am. Being able to acknowledge that allows me to be open to even more blessings. Sort of a self-fulfilling a very, very good way!

Another thing that is a good practice, but they didn't mention in the movie, is taking little mini vacations. It was definitely time for a break, so we went away for a couple of days. Going somewhere beautiful really brought such a sense of wonder, awe and gratitude for being there. It also reminded me of just how gorgeous it is here. That is definitely something to be grateful for!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

What Do You Want in a Home?

I was thinking about this as I read the paper today. As I frequently do, I was enjoying reading about houses that are available in the area.

I realized that the houses that were attracting me lately were much different from the houses I sought out only a year or two ago. Then I was constantly wanting to tour the million+ dollar homes. "For inspiration."

Sure, they were inspiring and beautiful. Some of them were also way over the top, in my opinion. Filled with all sorts of things that I don't need, or more importantly even want.

Now I have really thought about what I want in a home. That clarity is so powerful and joyful. And I am drawing that house to me. Not the million dollar house of someone else's dreams, or that would "look good", but the house that actually fits my wants and desires. It is much easier to get excited about a house and the prospect of moving, when the house is one that really, really speaks to you.

This is a great analogy for life in general. More thoughts on that another time!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Don't Pray For What You Don't Want

Kris Carr (of Crazy Sexy Cancer) says "worrying is praying for something you don't want." I agree and would add that fear (for me at least, a different but related emotion) is another way of praying for something you don't want.

This really hit home today when I was speaking to a guy about the state of the economy. He flat out said he is afraid. Now, one of his businesses is in real estate development. So a lot of people would think that he is right in being fearful.

However if you have studied Law of Attraction at all, through The Secret, SGR or any number of books and programs, you KNOW that strong emotions bring our thoughts to "life" faster than ever.

The key is to find something in the situation to be positive about. If there is no way that you can find something positive about it, then you must change the situation until you find something. It does not have to be huge. Find a little thing that you are excitedly positive about. Focus on that. Watch that come to you. And find another little thing to be positive about.

And keep the positive energy flowing your way.