Monday, August 25, 2008

Learning to Allow

I'm re-reading, Ask and It is Given. I'm in the middle of a big project right now and have found myself to not always have the best energy during the process. This book is helping me to refocus on the art of allowing. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it.

I actually have the CDs and the book and I like to listen to Jerry Hick's reading of the book while I read along. Then I frequently stop the audio and reread sections.

I have a tendency to drive through on projects...go, go, go, get 'er done. That can be efficient in a sense and I never had an employer complain. Now that I work for myself I find that there can be a disadvantage to it. Since my office is in my house, it is quite easy for me to want to work 24/7...and have the ability to do it.

That means the rest of my life could fall into major disarray. Of course that is not the way to live a balanced life. It isn't good for health for one. And it isn't good to let all the other projects and people in my life fall to the way side while I focus entirely on one aspect of my life. Not only is it not good for the rest of your life, it can lead to burnout and fatigue in the work arena too. So, while in the short term it may be a benefit at work in the long run it isn't.

The separation of work from home life when you physically go from one building to your home, can make for a healthy break. Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham help me to work through some of the challenges I am facing at the moment.

Today I came back from my morning walk and I just wasn't in a super positive energy. A few days ago I would have forced myself to go into the office and work, because it was time to. This morning I decided to read some more in the book, even though I had already had my morning reading session. I read some of the exercises in the book which are to help you bring your vibration / attraction level up. It really helped a lot and I was able to be a much more positive and I believe productive worker for the rest of the day.

There was an exercise, or "game", that I read the other day, called "The Rampage of Appreciation" which I really liked. For each of the exercises/processes/games there is a emotional scale level that the exercise is most suited for. When I read the "Rampage of Appreciation", I didn't really believe it...I thought I would be able to apply that exercise any time. Well, I found out this morning that I was wrong and Abraham was right (imagine that!) I tried to apply the game today and I just couldn't hold my vibration level up. That was what sent me back to my library to read some more, to see if I could find a different game that would work to bring my level up.

I found several that will work. Now my challenge will be to start actually practicing them so that I gain the skills to make it easier and easier.

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