Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Secret Helps Me to Remember

I watched about half of The Secret again today. Every time I watch it, I see or hear something a bit different and learn something new. Or am reminded of something that I temporarily forgot. Today the Genie jumped out of the bottle at got me to thinking about how many wishes would I make, if I were Aladdin.

Watching the movie also helps me to remember some of the things I am doing "right".

I have been working on remembering that the Law of Attraction responds to our feelings more than our thoughts. So when visualizing and saying my affirmations, I try to get into that space of openness and joy and feel like I already have what I am affirming.

I have also been focusing on my gratitude journal. If you don't have one yet, I strongly encourage you to start. It is such a simple and easy practice. I find that if I start to feel like things aren't going my way it just takes a moment of looking at some of my past entries to remember how fortunate I am. Being able to acknowledge that allows me to be open to even more blessings. Sort of a self-fulfilling a very, very good way!

Another thing that is a good practice, but they didn't mention in the movie, is taking little mini vacations. It was definitely time for a break, so we went away for a couple of days. Going somewhere beautiful really brought such a sense of wonder, awe and gratitude for being there. It also reminded me of just how gorgeous it is here. That is definitely something to be grateful for!

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