Friday, August 1, 2008

Don't Pray For What You Don't Want

Kris Carr (of Crazy Sexy Cancer) says "worrying is praying for something you don't want." I agree and would add that fear (for me at least, a different but related emotion) is another way of praying for something you don't want.

This really hit home today when I was speaking to a guy about the state of the economy. He flat out said he is afraid. Now, one of his businesses is in real estate development. So a lot of people would think that he is right in being fearful.

However if you have studied Law of Attraction at all, through The Secret, SGR or any number of books and programs, you KNOW that strong emotions bring our thoughts to "life" faster than ever.

The key is to find something in the situation to be positive about. If there is no way that you can find something positive about it, then you must change the situation until you find something. It does not have to be huge. Find a little thing that you are excitedly positive about. Focus on that. Watch that come to you. And find another little thing to be positive about.

And keep the positive energy flowing your way.

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