Friday, August 15, 2008

Mindset and Making Life Changes

I have used a lot of Mindset tools. They have helped to me completely change my life. In so many ways.

Without them, I am sure I would still be working for someone else instead of being self-employed. I wouldn't have taken the leap because it wasn't in the training I got growing up. I was taught that to be "safe" you had to work for a big company.

Without changing my mindset I would never have bought real estate other than my primary residence. It certainly was not the model I had at home.

With my old mindset, I would still be almost 300 pounds--or maybe I would be even more than that by now. I got there because I was trying to live the life I thought I "should" live...I was living for approval rather than for the joy of what I want in life.

I am not saying these things to complain about my upbringing or blame my parents or anything of the sort. My parents did a really good job--certainly the best they knew how to do. They weren't perfect, but then what human being is?

I'm just pointing out that what I call mindset tools have helped me change my life in multiple areas. Without making a change to ones mind, it is not possible to make permanent change in your life.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
--Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

Sometimes change requires physical effort. Mostly, I find it is emotional effort--which I think is even harder. I recently found that I was not practicing what I preached. I was "if not disgruntled, I was far from being gruntled" as an old friend used to say. Heck, I was disgruntled! And I think I was expecting someone else to pick me up out of it! Fortunately a friend pointed out to me the energy I was putting out to the universe. This led me to go back to some of the mindset tools I had successfully used in the past, but for whatever reason had let slide lately.

So yes, I have to physically read the books or listen to the audios or watch the DVDs or do the meditation and visualization. However, the biggest action I have to take is on my willingness and excitedness to take the action--my own attitude about it. If I chose to stay all "poop-y" the actions would not give me results because I wouldn't be open to them!

I have chosen to reopen my heart, mind and soul. I am back using the tools. I am seeing changes already. Guess some lessons are not learned with a single run through! I knew that, but it appears I needed a reminder!

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