Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Law of Attraction Enough?

Not according to Brian Tracy.

The Law of Attraction is just one of the laws of the universe. It is a powerful law and it is necessary, but it is not the ONLY law and by itself it is not enough.

Brian saws there are 7 laws that all interact and affect our lives -- and that we put into motion every day whether we realize it or not.

Other great teaches have also said there are 7 laws. Bob Proctor, Wallace Wattles, and many others. Sometimes the names of the laws are different, but they are all pretty much the same in content.

One of the most important things to realize is just how important you mental attitude is towards success. How you put the laws into motion. Are you being positive and therefore attracting positive things, events and people into your life? Or are you being negative and therefore attracting negative things, events and people into your life?

Do you look at the events that happen and seek to learn from them and "spin" them into positive, even if superficially they might appear to be negative? Or do you wallow in your misfortune?

What choices are you making in your life?

What actions are you taking?

Action is crucial to achieving anything. You can think positively but for most of us ACTION will be required. Brian Tracy says being action oriented is one of the most important habits you can develop. A friend of mine, Erik Stafford AKA The Faster Webmaster, calls this the Law of Action.

(A little side note and plug for Erik-- Erik is awesome at taking action -- and if you want to know how to build a website, talk to him--go to his website to learn more...he can take even a raw, raw, newbie through the steps.)

Don't know how to do something? That's okay. Be open and you will find or learn the way. You will take action that proves you believe in it and the teachers or books or DVDs or...(you get the picture) that you need right then WILL come to you.

Success is 80% mental and only 20% technical. The 20% is necessary, but it is built on the 80%.

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