I think that everyone who has been doing any work in personal development knows how important it is to feel joy in their lives. It doesn't matter what we do for a living, it really matters how we do it. I don't mean how well we do it, necessarily, although we all want to be good at what we do. Really it is more important the attitude with which we do. In other words, it is the "being" over the "doing."
I mentioned a column by Michael Roizen, M.D. and Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. back on August 10. I kept that article because it had so many great points to it. They said that we can control our happiness (and isn't that good news to be happy about!) Another point they made was about getting together and treating yourself with friends and activities that feed your joy.
Even if you are not in the place where you want to be financially, it is important that you make "an investment in joy"--their words, not mine! They gave a couple examples, including going for a round of golf or spending time at the spa with a friend, and to not view that as a luxury. The friendship part is very important and the act of spending time doing something fun is also important.
True happiness is using your strengths to grow and meet your potential. And it's being grateful for what and who is around you.
--Dr. Roizen & Dr. Oz
One of the best exercises I ever learned was built on the second half of that definition. I write in a gratitude journal every night. I find it is a great way to reflect on my day and my life. I don't write a lot, but I note at least five things I am grateful for in my life.
I find it beneficial to write in complete sentences, I feel the emotion more that way. Feeling the gratitude is an important part of the process, rather than a rote exercise or another chore. I love the feeling I get as I think about the really great parts of my life and day. Sometimes I write about a bunch of really little things, like I saw a beautiful butterfly that brought a smile to my lips. Sometimes I will feel especially grateful for a physical task I was able to accomplish--being grateful for my strength and endurance. Other times I find myself grateful for the love I feel in my heart, or the love I feel coming to me from others. Some days I have been grateful that I have a comfortable bed and a roof over my head at night.
No matter what it is that I am grateful for, by writing it down at night I get to experience it for a second time that same day. And if I am feeling a bit down or like maybe I'm not in as good a place as I would like to be in my life, I can read in my gratitude journal and see the many, many things I have going for me in my life. Right now. As I am today.
Life is good!