Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Do What Brings You Joy

I noticed this week is that by changing my routines slightly, so that I really enjoy them, the activity seems to take less time and effort--and yet yields even greater results.

My short workouts were seeming to take a very long time and I was enduring them. My mind was wandering everywhere but on what my body was doing. Intellectually I knew that with focused attention anything we do is more productive. So how could I achieve focused attention, without it being forced?

I shifted the timing of my workout. I started watching The Secret again, a couple chapters every day. This gets me into a positive space and energy. Then I work out. What seemed like a drag last week has this week given me an even greater rush! The time flies by, I actually am having FUN doing it and I feel the results in my body!

Following the guidance to do things that bring me joy (in this case watching The Secret) has helped my pool of joy overflow to other areas, coloring those pools joyful as well.

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