Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grateful for Past Experiences

Like most people, not every experience I have had was positive. Some were extremely challenging, painful, dangerous and even life-threatening.

While going through those sorts of events, it is difficult to feel grateful for the experience.

Time is indeed the great healer, and down the road the experience is put into perspective. Oh, it still might have been an awful experience, but it has somehow been a part of getting me to where I am today--the person I am today. And I like who I am, so I am grateful for all those experiences.

If life had been always easy, I wouldn't have developed some of the strengths I have. If I had not had challenges I would not have learned how to bounce back. If I'd always had all the money I wanted I might not have learned to appreciate it and be grateful for it.

There are definitely experiences I would not wish on anyone. And for those who are going through them now, I am sorry for the difficult time you are having. Please know that it will get better, if you let it.

From this place I can now see a pattern that has been woven from the events in my life, the paths I have taken and the choices I have made. It is a beautiful tapestry that I'm creating. Some of the "least attractive" parts when combined with the rest are truly what make this life a work of art.

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