Friday, October 10, 2008

Money is an Exchange of Energy

Money has no meaning except for what we decide to give it. By itself, money is just another piece of paper.

So if you are going to give money power, know that is your choice.

You can change how you think about money. If you haven't read The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker, I strongly recommend it. Harv gives you tools to break your old patterns about money and open you up to the abundance there is in life!

Money is an exchange--call it of energy or of services, it doesn't really matter. Money is really a tool to make bartering easier! Instead of swapping a chicken for a doctor's advise, we pay with money, but it is really the same principle.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grateful for Past Experiences

Like most people, not every experience I have had was positive. Some were extremely challenging, painful, dangerous and even life-threatening.

While going through those sorts of events, it is difficult to feel grateful for the experience.

Time is indeed the great healer, and down the road the experience is put into perspective. Oh, it still might have been an awful experience, but it has somehow been a part of getting me to where I am today--the person I am today. And I like who I am, so I am grateful for all those experiences.

If life had been always easy, I wouldn't have developed some of the strengths I have. If I had not had challenges I would not have learned how to bounce back. If I'd always had all the money I wanted I might not have learned to appreciate it and be grateful for it.

There are definitely experiences I would not wish on anyone. And for those who are going through them now, I am sorry for the difficult time you are having. Please know that it will get better, if you let it.

From this place I can now see a pattern that has been woven from the events in my life, the paths I have taken and the choices I have made. It is a beautiful tapestry that I'm creating. Some of the "least attractive" parts when combined with the rest are truly what make this life a work of art.

Monday, October 6, 2008

How Can I Attract More Money Into My Life

It may not be all about the money, but as I've said before, money is a measurable thing and so it is a way to practice your attraction skills.

So how do you attract more?

One of the first things to do is to be grateful for what you have. Keep a gratitude log--fill it will all the things you are grateful for, not just money. By being grateful we open ourselves up for receiving more.

Notice what you have, find and attract. Value every penny. T Harv Eker teaches us to pick up that penny on the ground and say "I am a money magnet, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I agree with that philosophy. If we don't appreciate what we have and what comes our way, why should the universe send us any more?

Another step is to notice when you have the opportunity to expand what your money will acquire. Is there a sale going on for something that you need or want? Did you get a coupon in the mail for something that you'd like to have? Or did you find a coupon in the paper for a favorite food item? Have you gotten a gift certificate?

These are all examples of abundance and money flowing to you. Learn to recognize them and appreciate them. Along with your gratitude log, track these gifts.

Michael Losier refers to an evidence log--where you track the evidence of abundance. This is a great place to write down the penny you found, the coupon you used, the coffee someone bought for you. In addition, write down anything else that is abundant that you see--it doesn't have to be about money.

The idea is to reinforce in our minds that there is indeed abundance in the world. Think of all the grains of sand on the beach...and all the beaches in the world...the waves in the ocean...the leaves on the trees...the blades of grass...the clouds in the get the picture!!

Then remember to be grateful and say "There is abundance in the world. I am abundant!"

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Getting Clear on What I Want cont'd

Yesterday we talked about noticing what we don't want in order to get clear on what we do want

Another way to use this tool is to apply it to a specific area in our lives.

Michael Losier, another great teacher of the Law of Attraction calls it Clarity Through Contrast. It is pretty much the same idea, but with more direction.

Instead of looking at experiences in general that you don't want to have in your life, Michael directs you to think about a specific area in your life where you are not getting the results you want.

Whether you want to change your financial situation, your love life, your job, your house, your family life, etc, you can use this tool to open the way for the Law of Attraction to respond.

So, if I want to attract my dream house, but I'm not exactly sure what that would be, I would start by writing down what I do not want. This may be something that I have had in homes before, or things I see in homes of friends or family members, or things that I see when I've toured open houses. It might be about the yard or the kitchen. The size of the rooms. The number of stairs. Oh, no master on the main floor. So I quickly write down with as little emotion as possible the things that I do not want in my dream house. When I have finally exhausted my list, I then start to write the opposite. This is what I DO want. So if not having a master bedroom on the main floor was on my don't want list, obviously it will go on the side of what I do want.

I continue to write statements that describe what I do want, now that I'm clear on what I don't want.

Again, when I'm done with the list, the original list has served its purpose and I don't have to look at it again. I want to give my attention and energy to the things I DO want.

The mistake a lot of people make is they put the list away somewhere. Read the list of things you do want. Read it daily. Get excited about it. If you want to make changes to it, that's fine. Refine it. By giving it attention you are inviting Law of Attraction in and giving it clear direction and you are much more apt to get what you want--and get it more quickly.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Getting Clear on What I Want

Not sure what you DO want...okay, do you know what you don't want? Start there.

Louise Hay, wrote many years ago that you should write down a list of the things you don't want. This is not to dwell on those items--it is to help you clarify from that list what it is you do want.

So as your day goes along and you notice things that you wish were different, make a mental note of them. That night at home, write a list of the things you saw or experienced that you didn't like. Don't put a lot of emotion into this list, be as objective as you can. These are things that I am not wanting in my life.

Got that list? Great. Now read each item and ask yourself, if this is what I don't want, what do I want? Now write down that. Give it as much detail and emotion as you want. Go through your entire list until you now have two lists. Fold up the list of things you don't has now served its purpose.

Focus your attention on the list of things you do want.

By placing your attention on the things you do want in your life you are opening the door for Law of Attraction to bring those things to you.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What Do I Want

I come back to this topic from time to time because it is a huge factor in attracting the "good stuff" into our lives--what is it that I want? What is "the good stuff" mean to me?

For each of us the answer will be different. Some people have no trouble knowing what they want. Others say they are quite content with what they have. Neither is wrong or bad.

The problem comes when we say we want more, more love, more health, more money, a better job, more fun, whatever the "more" is. Then it is crucial that we know what we want.

The getting clear on what we want is for us. By being more clear than we are clearing the path for the universe to provide exactly what it is we want.

If you say you want more and yet you say you are content with what you have, you are canceling the first out with the second. The net result is no change.

Check in tomorrow to see how to get clear on what you want.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Law of Attraction at Work

Today I was watching a presentation by Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon. There was no particular reason for my watching this presentation today. I had lots of options.

I chose Buzz Aldrin from the myriad of options available to me.

Less than 30 minutes after I finished the video, I brought in the paper. I typically glance through to see what is happening in our area.

What did I find as I scanned through the paper? Two photos of Buzz Aldrin!

Coincidence? Serendipity? Those are words that describe the Law of Attraction at work!

I was thinking about Buzz Aldrin and got the opportunity to learn more about will be interesting to see what other things I bring into my life today.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Feeling Gratitude

This mini meditation is from our friends at Go Gratitude and the World Gratitude Gathering. Keep in mind it is about the feeling, not any specific words. Focus on what YOU are grateful for now in your life.

Focus on Gratitude just before drifting to sleep, and
immediately upon awakening. Beyond words, allow this source force energy-in-motion (emotion) to flood each cell in your body, feeling wave after wave of Gratitude immersing you in an energetic elixir of
timeless NOW.

Let go, release, and breathe deeply.
Ahhhhhhh .......

As you drift in and out ...

Giving and receiving ...

Pure Gratitude for NOW.
Forget wondering how long is long enough ~ for Gratitude IS.