Monday, July 28, 2008

Keeping a Positive Mind

Remaining positive in challenging times can be, well, challenging!

It seems that it should be easy to be positive about money when you have it, think that you have energy and health when you do, and believe that people are good when you are treated well.

On the other hand, if you are faced with loss of home or job, an illness or debilitating injury, or if someone has stolen something of value from you or been just plain mean, it can be much more difficult to keep that positive attitude.

Affirmations are one of tools to help you in this challenge. When you are facing the challenges that life brings--and we all face them, perhaps to different degrees or in different areas--that is when we need to be positive the most.

What area is challenging you the most right now? Is it money? Is it health? Are you lonely? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you in pain? Feeling under appreciated?

Whatever it is, write an affirmation about it. Choose one item. The one that seems the "biggest" right now, the most stressful. What would you like to be feeling about that situation? What would feel good? And what can you actually believe right now, as a starting point?

For example, let's say you have a serious illness or injury (which I hope is not the case.) It might be too much to affirm "I have perfect health". Try a small step rather than a giant leap. For example, "I am open to healing for my body". Write that on a card or sticky note. Write it several times and put it up where you will see it.

And listen to your words when you talk to other people. I'm not telling you to lie to people about your condition, but be aware that when you speak of your illness in a negative way it will not facilitate your healing.

For example, I recently hurt my shoulder, as you may have heard. I caught myself referring to "my bad shoulder". I decided to change that right away. My shoulder is not "bad". My shoulder is in the process of healing and regaining strength and flexibility. When I think about it that way, it helps me to be gentle with myself and it, to do the things that I need to in order to facilitate the healing. By changing my words, I change my attitude which in turn changes my actions which affects my healing.

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