Sunday, July 20, 2008

All is Well

I TIVO just about everything. I really enjoy that--so even though the Universe Likes Speed, sometimes I am personally better served by watching a show later on! I find that if I TIVO a show and then watch it when it is "speaking to me" there is generally a really good reason I waited to watch it. Besides perhaps it was on at an inconvenient time, or I was out of town!

One recent example was the Oprah Show. She had a guest panel on discussing The Secret. I've actually been studying the Law of Attraction (although not always seriously or steadily!) for about a dozen years. I love the movie and the book and I encourage everyone to read/watch it. It is a great introduction to the concepts.

I loved watching this panel of 4 powerful women--Oprah, Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson and Martha Beck, discussing the power of intention, the power of our thoughts and how we can change our lives (and the world) through this powerful principle.

I've been going through a physical challenge since the beginning of the year that I was not getting past. Frankly it was starting to really get to me. Even though I know that the best solution is not talking negatively to or about my body, I was starting to think and feel as if my body was no longer whole. And it was pissing me off! I tried working through it, which only made it worse. I tried all the normal doctor remedies (rest, ice, etc). I tried anti-inflammatories. Nothing was working. I was not able to do the things that I wanted to do and I was choosing to allow that to affect my entire demeanor, about everything. I was feeling less than useful. My sense of self and self-worth was deteriorating. Rapidly.

For whatever reason one afternoon I decided to take a look at the television and see what I had in the magic TIVO box. Then the ladies came on.

I am now back to my affirmations and I am already feeling emotionally and physically better. Instead of focusing on my limitations, I am writing in my gratitude journal daily. I have notes to remind myself of my worth and my health. I have a specific affirmation I am using for my healing. And Louise Hay shared a general affirmation that I have absorbed into my daily life, and I am sure that she would be okay with my sharing it here:

"All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this experience only good will come, and I am safe."

Since I recommenced my affirmations I have already seen an improvement in my mobility. I know that I am open to the healing path now and that I will be fully healed.

Thank you Oprah, Louise, Cheryl and Martha! All is well--and job well done!

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