Friday, April 23, 2010

Serendipity Strikes

I had a wonderful, powerfully serendipitous day yesterday.

I was open to meeting just the right teacher for me at that specific moment and then had an awesome conversation with an incredible gal. From that conversation I was so jazzed and empowered, it was awesome.

During that conversation, she mentioned that 2 guys she works with were flying in to Fort Collins to speak, and "if you have time" you might want to go...something about it rang a bell and I looked at the agenda for a group I sporadically attend and lo and behold...the speakers where these 2 guys.

So of course I went to the meeting, met the gents and had a nice conversation with them before their presentation and found out I had several points of commonality with one of them, including we both had worked on nuclear power plants some years back. (That's a big long story...)

By being open and allowing Law of Attraction to bring me great connections I not only made 1, not only 3, but also a 4th! You see, my hair was really shaggy and so I decided I really wanted a haircut before going to the I went to a new salon I had read about...and got a great cut in a relaxed atmosphere, had some good laughs...just all-in-all a high-energy day!

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