Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is Your Staircase Going Down or Up?

I had an interesting ah ha! this morning while writing in my journal.

I was writing about talking the step on the staircase, referring to the quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. mentioned in the movie The Secret
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
I realized that I have been visualizing a staircase that is shrouded in darkness. And going down! To a scary basement perhaps? Or down even further?

No wonder it felt scary to take the first step.

I determined right then that I will turn my staircase around and have it be the Stairway to Heaven! The light is so bright that I am partially blinded and that is why I cannot see the entire path. The light is warm and inviting and reassuring, even though it is also a bit scary to not see the entire way.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weight Loss and Law of Attraction

I know the Law of Attraction works...and it can be used to have success in any area of your life.

I have lost 120 pounds--and it all started with the Law of Attraction.

After being exposed again and again to LoA, I finally made a conscious decision to change my life by changing my thinking. I'd tried changing what I ate and how I exercised and those traditional methods hadn't worked, so why not try changing my thinking.

After all, what did I have to lose? (HA!)

So I accepted responsibility for my weight and became open to the possibility that I could reach a healthy weight. I worked on myself--loving and accepting myself as I was then and the potential that was within.

That is how it all began. I then attracted teachers and tools that helped facilitate the weight loss even further. I use affirmations, I study great spiritual teachers, and I practice loving myself...that is what makes it all work.

I am so grateful for all the teachers who helped me along the way...and if I can help anyone out there who is struggling--please let me know.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Something Bigger Out There?

Is there something bigger out there? I believe there is. Some people call it Source or God or the Universe...

No matter what you call it, there is definitely something that is bigger than each individual. And we all can feel it if we are open to it.

Listen to 2 or more people exchange ideas--and if they are open to it--the ideas build one upon another and get better and better. Bigger and better than anything they would have come up with on their own.

That is why teams are so wonderful. The group energy is greater than the sum of the parts! Call it synergy, call it collaboration, whatever. The label really isn't important.

This group energy exists even when we are not part of a team. Doctors have studied the powerful effect had upon patients who are being prayed for--by people hundreds and thousands of miles away. People who don't even know the patient.

Joseph Campbell talked about the Collective Unconscious. This unseem bond that we have with one another.

Whether it is "the matrix", Source Energy, the Universe, Angels or God...there is SOMETHING that is linking humanity. And if we choose to be open to that link, to tap into that energy, then all things are possible--because we will think of them, believe they are possible and attract the right events and people into our lives and act upon our inspirational ideas.

That, my friends, is the Law of Attraction Put Into Action

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Discounting Attraction (the Law of, that is)

I was at a fantastic conference recently.

Heard a lot of wonderful, bright speakers.

Several of whom dismissed the Law of Attraction.

Time and time again I heard something along the lines of--it isn't ATTRACTION, it is TAKING ACTION.

Then, the same speakers would talk about the importance of MINDSET.

Hmmm...last I checked all of that is part of "the secret" aka the Law of Attraction (LoA).

One speaker even said she didn't believe in LoA--if you sit at the bottom of the stairs with your eyes closed thinking about being at the top of the stairs, you aren't going to suddenly find yourself at the top--no, you have to get up and walk up the stairs.

While it was great for a visual and a giggle, that's not Law of Attraction, that is TELEPORTATION! And I agree, I don't think we are there (yet).

The Law of Attraction--truly one of the great laws of the universe (but surely not the only one!)--does NOT state that you don't have to take action. It talks about getting your mind in the right place (mindset) and thinking about what you desire in your life and then being open to the people and ideas that come to you--and ACTING UPON THEM!!!

So really, the Law of Attraction IS the Law of Action.