Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weight Loss and Law of Attraction

I know the Law of Attraction works...and it can be used to have success in any area of your life.

I have lost 120 pounds--and it all started with the Law of Attraction.

After being exposed again and again to LoA, I finally made a conscious decision to change my life by changing my thinking. I'd tried changing what I ate and how I exercised and those traditional methods hadn't worked, so why not try changing my thinking.

After all, what did I have to lose? (HA!)

So I accepted responsibility for my weight and became open to the possibility that I could reach a healthy weight. I worked on myself--loving and accepting myself as I was then and the potential that was within.

That is how it all began. I then attracted teachers and tools that helped facilitate the weight loss even further. I use affirmations, I study great spiritual teachers, and I practice loving myself...that is what makes it all work.

I am so grateful for all the teachers who helped me along the way...and if I can help anyone out there who is struggling--please let me know.

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