Friday, September 14, 2007

Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

By my nature, I am inclined to stay at home. I've never been much for parties, dining out or shopping. I like spending quiet time with friends and family, or just being alone.

So going out, even to events that I am very interested in, involves stepping outside of my comfort zone. I am grateful that every month I am given the opportunity to face that challenge.

A tradition held by several towns in our area is that most of the galleries and other businesses downtown stay open so that patrons can view the fantastic art there one Friday each month.

I enjoy seeing what other artists are doing. I love seeing something that makes me think, or exclaim "wow, I never thought of that!" Seeing others' work helps me grow as a person and as an artist. I have the opportunity to drink in the energy and skill of so many artists every month. What a blessing that is.

I have found that it is not possible to get to every venue, so I am forced to choose where I will go. Some times the thought of having to choose where I am going to go is too much and I feel I will just stay home, even though on an intellectual level, I know that I will have a good time. This is when I have to push myself just to take the first step.

Growth is like that. We either grow or die. And to grow we have to push a little bit every day. Some days it is more challenging than others.

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