Monday, September 3, 2007

The Secret to the Endless Summer

Labor Day is traditionally the end of summer in the US. It doesn't have to be--it is all up to you!

Do you want to have the fun and low key life that "summer" signifies to most of us? If that is what you truly desire then you can have it. The Secret and The Secret Science to Getting Rich program (SGR) can help you achieve that life.

Contrary to the belief that some people put out there--it is not just imagining it. Wishful thinking does not bring the lifestyle that we desire. Nor is it all about money--unless that is what you want your life to be. That is not true wealth as the devotees of SGR see it.

So, what is the secret to the endless summer? Must we follow waves (or anything) around the globe for the right weather? Summer is a state of mind. As such, travel is not required, but can be enjoyed--if that is what you want.

Just like learning math, or (plug in the subject you liked most) the Science to Getting Rich can be learned. Does it take making changes in your life? For most of us, yes. If it doesn't, you are probably already rich. Does it require some effort? Again, yes. But then, so did learning to ride a bike and that turned out pretty cool.

Unlike any subject you learned in school, or any sport you tried, or didn't try for that matter, EVERYONE can learn the Science to Getting Rich. That is part of the secret!

"Endless Summer" is at your fingertips. We keep growing and learning. We set new goals. As we ride one wave and enjoy it to the fullest we are then ready for the next, even bigger one.

Grow with each wave. Learn from the other riders out there in the water with you. Teach the new comers. Honor the explorers who preceded you. And never forget to enjoy the ride.

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