Saturday, August 4, 2007

Want Versus Desire

Have you ever been told that if you "want" something you will also be given the opportunity to "want"? In other words, by saying you want the thing you will not acquire the thing, only more wanting of it.

Many personal development "gurus" say that over and over. And I bought into it, hook line and sinker. I worked diligently at eliminating the word from my vocabulary.

This morning I realized something important about that statement--I had an "Ah ha! moment" as Oprah would say. While words are important, they are not the bottom line in this universe. More important than the word is the intention or feeling behind the word.

If you choose to "want" something, are you longing for it, pining for it, aching for it, believing it is out of your grasp? If that is how you want, then truly you will never acquire it, because it is out of your grasp. In this instance, you are wanting something but feeling the lack of it.

Or is your "wanting" a desire that you see coming to you, that you know is a part of your life? When you think about the thing you desire are you filled with positive energy and joy at the mere thought of it? That is anticipation, excitement. This type of wanting will allow you to manifest the object of your desire because you feel it already in your life.

The lesson I learned today is that emotions behind the words are much more important than the words. Don't allow your emotions to be restricted by the search for the "right" word or by the limitations of vocabulary.

This insight reminded me that this is not a "one size fits all" universe! Use your own mind and emotions when listening to anyone. You are the only one who knows how you are feeling about a certain thing. Others can help you, guide you, coach you, but you are the one in the end who is responsible for your thoughts, feelings and actions, and ultimately only you can decide what is right for you.

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