Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Law of Attraction in Art and Politics

My city is a wonderful place to live. I love all the art that we have here. I love how supportive the community generally is...so I find it so interesting when a lot of negative attention is focused on a particular piece of art.

A couple of years ago it was a sculpture entitled "Triangle"...theoretically a permanent installation. Critics didn't like it or didn't like the location. This piece was moved and is still part of our permanent collection in town.

The current controversy is about an exhibition at our museum. Apparently one of the prints that is on display has been deemed to be offensive to some...either because it offends their religion or their sexual sensibilities...or both.

I'm not really here today to comment about the content of the art, whether it is "art" or as the detractors claim, "pornography", I'm really reflecting on Law of Attraction in action.

It is ironic that this exhibition would largely have gone unnoticed were it not for a single City Council member who brought it to the attention of the Council and thereby the newspaper and the City at large.

This council member failed to get a discussion on the work on this week's agenda, so he has loudly proclaimed that any citizen can speak about any topic, on the agenda or not...therefore, you guessed it, it is now anticipated that there will be lots of folks at tonight's council meeting "commenting" on this piece.

Why am I saying this is LOA in action?

Because in his pushing against this print he has brought lots more attention to it. More visitors have been to the museum and more financial contributions have been received. Rather than getting the print removed and having fewer people be "subject to it" he has actually increased the number of people who are not only aware of it but who have seen it!

The lesson to be learned here is that when we see something we do not like then we should turn our attention elsewhere. Like a dog seeking your attention, if you turn your back it will quiet down.

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